04 Mar 2018
(4 March 2018, Hong Kong) Landing International Development Limited (“Landing International”, HKEx stock code: 00582, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) is pleased to announce that Landing International has been included as an eligible stock of Southbound Trading under Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (“Southbound Trading”) in accordance with the announcement from Shanghai Stock Exchange dated 2 March 2018. The admission will be effective on 5 March 2018.
Dr. Yang Zhihui, Chairman and Executive Director of Landing International, said, “We are honoured to be included as an eligible stock of Southbound Trading. Phase I of Jeju Shinhwa World, the Group’s flagship project, has been fully opened at the end of last month with grand opening to be held in late March, while construction of Phase II has commenced. Going forward, we will focus on project operation and continue to explore suitable development opportunities in other markets. In capital markets, we will interact actively with our shareholders and participants in key markets in China and overseas so that they can have a deeper understanding and recognition of Landing International's investment value. We will continue to build on our strengths to create greater value for our shareholders.”