22 Feb 2018
(22 February 2018, Hong Kong) Landing International Development Limited (“Landing International” or the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”, HKEx Code: 00582) announced financial results of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2017.
Financial Highlights
Segment Results
Business Highlights:
To further enhance Jeju Shinhwa World’s position as a world-class integrated leisure and entertainment resort, the Group is going to launch a variety of facilities to provide better product offerings to customers:
Dr. Yang Zhihui, Chairman and Executive Director of Landing International Development Limited, said, “We had a fruitful year in 2017 and we are delighted to put Jeju Shinhwa World, the world-class integrated leisure and entertainment resort to operation. In 2018, we will focus our efforts on operating Jeju Shinhwa World to deliver on our promise to make Jeju Shinhwa World the first world-class integrated resort in Jeju that the residents will be proud of and also deliver shareholders’ value and return.”
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